Radfan Extra Boost Medium Radiator Fan- Radiator Booster

Radfan Extra Boost Medium Radiator Fan- Radiator Booster

For Air Source Heat Pump Systems

For radiators 1m or longer
6 fans


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The Radfan Extra Boost is the latest model in the Radfan range, but designed with air/ground source heat pump system applications in mind.

​When fitting air/ground source heat pump systems to properties which previously had gas boilers and traditional radiators, the radiators usually require upgrading to higher surface area output models, or even need to be changed completely for under floor heating solutions because of the lower hot water circulating temperatures typically found with heat pump systems.

​Developed using the proven technology of the successful Radfan Classic product (over 80,000 Radfans already in UK homes) the Radfan Extra Boost incorporates higher speed fans, and additional fans, such that on maximum speed (customer sets the voltage on the plug top PSU) they move over 3 times the air volume of traditional same length Radfan Classic solutions.

Radfans are located on top of your existing hot water filled steel panel radiators and accelerate the transfer of heat from the radiators into your room. They also turn the air through 90 degrees so that it exhausts out the front of the unit at the radiator top height instead of rising directly to the ceiling of a room and filling top down.

 Radfan Extra Boost units have both faster and more fans than the Radfan Classic, and if used in conjunction with air or ground source heat pumps system installations they could potentially save up to £4000 of installation costs Due to the lower water temperatures circulating around radiators when using air or ground source heat pump systems the inclusion of Radfan Extra Boost on top of existing radiators might not facilitate the same heat output as changing specialist radiators or under floor heating However they will improve existing radiators performances and save cost and disruption of radiator replacement plus re-decoration.

The Radfan Extra Boost user ( or the Heat pump system Commissioning Engineer) can adjust the heat draw off according to the rooms function by altering the speed of the internal fans via a multi position switch in the front face of the plug top power supply unit using a small key provided. There are 6 possible settings from 4.5 up to 12 vdc.

When the power supply output is set on 12 v dc, the fans will function at their highest speed/airflow/noise. This is good for larger volume rooms possibly with vaulted ceilings. In this mode the fans move the maximum volume of air, drawing heat off acting as a boost to the radiator’s natural convection performance (when warm) Alternatively on the lower voltage settings the Radfan will be significantly quieter, but move correspondingly less air. Better for smaller volume rooms and bedrooms.

The Radfan Extra Boost also incorporates the same Summer/Winter Mode switch fitted to the Radfan Extra Medium series. This facilitates bypassing the internal thermostat in the Radfan which normally prevents the fans from starting (when in Winter mode) unless the radiator is warm. With the switch on Summer setting, the Radfan Extra Boost provides air circulation in the room regardless of the temperature, so setting up some air circulation, much appreciated on the occasional hot summer evenings. The user has control over the speed of the fans and therefore the airflow by selecting different voltage output positions on the plug top PSU (12v dc for maximum airflow/noise).

The Radfan Extra Boost is available as a either Small or Medium model, 56cms or 96 cms long, The combined power lead length is 3 metres (distance from centre rear of the Rafan to your nearest electrical socket) though 1.5 metre lead extenders are available as an accessory.